World Obesity Day 2020 will be held on Wednesday, March 4. It brings together healthcare, patient and political communities who are keen to raise awareness of obesity and the many other diseases on which it impacts.
ECPO Director have recorded their own message to open the conversation of obesity on this World Obesity Day.
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Let’s have a conversation about obesity, this World Obesity Day on March 4th. The theme for World Obesity Day 2020 is changing the narrative. For many years people have been taught and have acquired lots of different thoughts about obesity and what it means to them, to society and to the world.
We’re going to change that. Obesity affects me and my family and every aspect of my life. We have to change the conversation around obesity.
This doesn’t just affect me, it affects you, your family, your friends. You have to have an open and honest discussion about this. It’s time to change the narrative.
It’s time to take a fresh look at the way we think and feel about obesity. Did you know that obesity was a chronic, relapsing, progressive disease? I didn’t. Obesity is so much more.
It is more biology and psychology and genetics. We need more education on the causes of obesity. Obesity is not a lifestyle choice.
There is a number on the scales to say about me, not a lot to be honest. Obesity is serious and so am I. This World Obesity Day I challenge you to open the conversation about obesity.