Internalization of Weight Stigma, Patient Perspectives

by | Jan 14, 2019 | Blog


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I’m sneaking into the internalizing of white stigma. And that’s, you know, what everyone says, and so they must be right. The self-focused thoughts on the meaning of people being a person with obesity, you’re constantly questioning.

Am I okay? Can I do this? You’re getting things from outside and you’re taking it in. So you’re never safe when you go into a room. And you get more and more confused about what can you do.

And like Ted was talking about, this not being there and not being available. So we have, when we’re in society as such, we end up with a macro level, which is the policies and planning. Well, you know, people are seeing what can we do and what should we be doing.

But it’s basic on what we’ve been talking about, not being fitting into society itself. And then midi level, which is the specific methods, models, and micro, the individual patient. Usually we talk about the macro level.

Usually we put people there because we don’t want to get into talking about the individual experience. Neither, actually, the individual experience of people around us. It’s like a friction all the time between, because you don’t really want to be, I mean, sorry, you really don’t want to be together with that fat girl that Vicky was just talking about.

It might be a fat man, or boy. And so it affects the individual patient. The latter and so, the good of lateral participation.

Policy directs advocating user involvement. We know and we understand and we learn from other organizations who are fighting what we’re doing. We also know that the professional protectionism, what people who are in the profession want to keep us in the profession within the circles.

Which is really kind of funny because what we need is have plenty places to go to deal with the plenty problems that we have. We go to user consultation to understand, try to get information, and that’s why you’re sitting here today. You want to ask, you want to know what is it we are experiencing, what we’re thinking, what we’re lacking, what we want.

And looking at the medical model, what is needed and what we can do. Well, then the policy that we’re living with is trying to get going and implementing the involvement. We need the support like all the other people with disability.

And God knows you’re not allowed to call this a disability. But what in the world really are you going to call it? We’re not only fat, we’re having all the same problems as you do with all the various other problems, physical or mental problems. So we need to sneak in and see what is it we need.

I was talking about the fact that you’re not accepted where you are. Vicky was talking about the same thing. And who’s going to take on helping and supporting us to get space in society? And we have the medical model.

That’s what David was talking about. We also need a humanistic model. We need people to think in terms of who are we.

Not say, well, I’m at a group together and we are going to blah, blah, blah. But I can’t say what can I do to invite you to my home to feel good with you. Not walk out the door.

And that’s not only interaction between individuals. It’s also within the L10 system, within the schools, within the education of people, getting into work field. So we’re all in a circle and touching each other.

No, we didn’t have that in London. We made a very, the Einstein ladder, have you heard about that? How you’re bit by bit are stepping up and saying, claiming more a right to be a normal person and getting the services that you need. And help with getting into the various different places where you are.

What can you do to the school teacher to realize that you are a clever human being who can do things? And not, well, can’t really perform anymore. What can we do to get the gym teacher to get the kid to be allowed to be there? What can we do to get the national money dividing unit to realize that we might need more money for certain things? And oops, then you get into this thing of being a disabled person. Oops.

We are at some point. And then we need services. We need all this kind of services that you need in other places.

And that’s when it’s not okay. I went to a place at one time and they were doing, giving services to people really smart. But I’m not going to let Mary talk about that.

But I was having a speech about modernization of people. How we systematically put them from something that is a normal person bit by bit into being something that is taken care of because we have to take care of it. On the other hand, folks, there’s a lot of positive things going on.

Here you’re sitting, a whole lot of people, and you’re caring. Otherwise, probably you wouldn’t be here. Now we can get reclosed.

Now we can get all these other positive things so that we can be part of society. So, all in all, we’re doing, we could even do better. But that means getting at the pin point of where are the knots that keep all this restriction together.

And we’re doing it too.