Mum, what is obesity?

The aim of this book is to inspire and support mothers, fathers, teachers or other caregivers who are seeking a tool to initiate important family conversations on this topic, without any weight bias or stigma and based on the most up-to-date scientific knowledge, in a simple and age-appropriate language.

When you buy this book, you are contributing with a donation for obesity awareness initiatives in schools across 30 European countries.

The book has been launched worldwide and is available on Amazon. If you are located in the UK, France, Germany, Italy or Spain, please select Amazon for your country below. For all other countries, please select Amazon Worldwide. The book is currently available in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Portuguese. If you required a copy is a different language, please search for the title of the book (a full list is detailed below).

If you are unable to locate the book in your country, or are having any other difficulties, please email [email protected]

Cover of the book "mamá, ¿qué es la vida?" depicting a close-up illustration of a mother and child with red hair in a tender moment, title and authors' names displayed.

Amazon Worldwide

Local Amazon Websites

Illustration of a mother and child with reddish hair in a close conversation, with a background of text in Italian discussing obesity.

Amazon Italy

Illustration from the book cover "mama, was ist Adipositas?" showing a close-up of a mother and child with a thoughtful expression, surrounded by a warm, peach-colored background.

Amazon Germany

Cover of the book "mamá, ¿qué es la vida?" depicting a close-up illustration of a mother and child with red hair in a tender moment, title and authors' names displayed.

Amazon Spain

Illustration of a mother with red hair and a child looking up at her, with text "mamã, o que é obesidade?" in Portuguese, indicating a book cover by Catarina Beja and others.

Amazon Portugal

Illustration of a red-haired mother and child in close conversation with the title "mum, what is OBESITY?" written by Catarina Beja.

Amazon UK

Illustration of a mother and child with red hair conversing, with text "maman, c'est quoi l'obésité?" by Catarina Beja, Marta Beja Coelho and Mário Silva, illustrated by João Xu.

Amazon France

The book is currently available worldwide in 6 different languages:

English – mum, what is obesity?

French – maman, c’est quoi l’Obésité?

Italian – mamma, cos’è l’Obesità?

German – mama, was ist Adipositas?

Spanish – mamá, ¿qué es la Obesidad?

Portuguese – Mamã, o que é Obesidade?