Anne Sophie Joly
Languages Spoken: French
Country: France

I am Anne Sophie, and I allow myself to come to you to offer modestly, and despite my catastrophic English, my participation in this wonderful coalition. Two skills interest me particularly (they are also related to each other) because have engaged & implemented on them for years on my Collective of associations in France.
Communication: Essential to evolve our project. The communication outside allows to lay the bases, the messages, the strategy, the notoriety, … It must be worked in a very Strategic and delicate way. Communication is a work for years and maybe destroyed in a flutter of eyelashes. It makes it possible to make oneself known and to work with different interlocutors: population, doctors, politicians, governmental affairs, journalists, influencers, … It also makes it possible to create important partnerships.
Political strategy: is the DNA of any movement. It makes it possible to position oneself on the chessboard of the decision makers and to be part of it. Just like communication, it is a long-term job that is essential to make projects progress and to ensure respect.
With 20 years of experience in voluntary work, I started from scratch in France, and in 20 years I can summarize my biggest results so far: I head 50 AssociationsAgréer, recognized by the Ministry of Health (the only association on obesity in France)
A speaker at Paris Sorbonne Pitié Salpetriere, for the 4th, 5th and 6th years of medicine and internship, on what is obesityand patient / doctor relationships., Bariatric surgery IUD practitioner, Pediatric nutrition IUD practitioner
A member of the working group at the Ministry of Health to:
DGS: Directorate General of Health, DGOS: Directorate General of Healthcare Organization
PNNS: national health nutrition plan, PO: obesity plan, IGAS: General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (More commonly known as the Health Policy Police), HCAM: high council of the future of health insurance
Public Health France: Public Health France is the national public health agency. Public administrative institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Health.