Our Portuguese representatives and advocates, Carlos Oliveira & Mario Silva, together with their organisations Adexo (Association of the Obese and Ex-Obese of Portugal) & APCOI (Portuguese Association Against Childhood Obesity), have developed an exciting digital programme for the 16th Portuguese National Day and the 8th European Obesity Day.
Along with SPEO (the Portuguese Society for the Study of Obesity) and APOBARO (Portuguese Association of Bariatrics) they are highlighting Obesity is also a risk factor for complications in case of coronavirus infection, and that Patients and health professionals fear the effect of COVID-19 on the worsening of obesity in Portugal.
Carlos Oliveira, president of ADEXO, considers that “it is essential to remember that, like COVID-19, obesity is also a public health problem in Portugal and must be treated as such. It is urgent to resume surgeries and appointment’s , to take a serious look at the need for reimbursement for pharmacological treatment and, above all, to promote healthy lifestyle habits so that those who are already overweight do not aggravate their problem due to the pandemic ”.
Mário Silva, President of APCOI also states that “several scientific studies prior to the pandemic had already demonstrated an increase in weight during school vacation periods, especially among children who were already overweight and affected by obesity.
You can read the press release here! Press Realease Obesity Day Portugal 2020.
You will find a link to the programme here www.loja.adexo.pt.